Ramon Vilalta Casas

Ramon Vilalta Casas


Ramon has 25 years of clinical experience in the paediatric kidney transplant field, pioneering in these young patients the use of imTOR (Certican , Novartis), ATG (Fresenius), Eculizumab (Alexion) and Procysbi (Chiesi), among others.
Also, he developed the routine determination of CMV, EB and BK viruses in the follow-up of those patients.

Ramon studied paediatrics medicine and at the University Hospital Vall d’Hebron in Barcelona, Spain; earning his PhD degree with honors “Cum Laude” from the Universidad de Barcelona Medical School. Ramon developed the main part of his medical career at the University Hospital Vall d’Hebron.

Certified by the Commission for Foreign-Trained Medical Graduates (USA), Ramon made clinical stages at the University of California San Francisco (USA), Cambridge (UK) and Sydney (Australia). Throughout his career, Ramon very often contributed to the American Transplant Congress (ATC) in the field of rare diseases, immunosuppression, and post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease (PTLD), leading different Spanish study teams.

Additionally, Ramon followed hospital management courses in ESADE and EADA business schools to integrate clinical care with rational and efficient management of resources. He has been involved in the management of the Hospital Vall d’Hebron for seven years.

Sharing with Orphan Now the sense of urgency to serve patients and the idea of putting always the patient as the number one priority, Ramon joined in 2022 a program launched by the European Commission to promote transparency, patient's rights and patient-centered care in different European Union hospitals. Since then, Ramon has audited a total of eight highly qualified hospitals in different European countries, some of them involved in the treatment of rare diseases.

With his paediatric surgeon colleagues, Ramon had stayed as a visiting clinician in Senegal, during his holiday periods, for five years (2014-2019). He presides an active and non-profit association devoted to this purpose, the Associació Doctor Gabriel Navarro (ADGN).

Whit a strong interest in deepening his knowledge in bioethics and in the promotion of patient's rights, Ramon has recently earned a Law and Jurisprudence degree at Barcelona University.